All of your friends, family, presents, and of course, delicious food, make the holidays a truly wonderful time of year. However, during this hectic and busy season of joy and travel, your smile is at a higher risk for problems like decay or chipped teeth. Thankfully, your dentist in Costa Mesa has some pro tips to ensure your smile’s safety. Keep reading to see how you can protect your teeth for the holidays!
Let the Nutcrackers Do the Cracking
A holiday favorite that is sure to make an appearance at your parties and gatherings are walnuts, pecans, and other nuts. Many people try to crack these with their teeth, which can put them at risk of needing to see their dentist for fractured teeth. That’s why it’s best to buy unshelled nuts, or crack them with a nutcracker—after all, it is the holidays!
Pass on Sticky or Chewy Treats
Yummy seasonal treats like taffy, toffee, caramel, peppermint bark, and more are some of the worst items to eat because they stay in contact with your smile for long periods of time. This puts your teeth at risk of cavities, tooth decay, and infection. These sweets should be avoided, but you can choose items like chocolate because it washes away fast with water and saliva.
Avoid Hard Candy and Ice Cubes
It’s best to avoid chewing on any nonfood items, but even some edible food can raise your risk of dental emergencies. Avoid chewing on hard candies because they can quickly cause broken and cracked teeth. The same can be said for ice cubes. Many people like to chew the ice cubes at the bottom of their favorite holiday drink. However, for the safety of your smile, it’s best to just let them melt.
Don’t Use Your Teeth as Tools
Presents and gift giving can be exciting, which may make you want to skip the time it takes to find some scissors. However, opening packages, gifts, and even bottles with your smile could be a quick way to get cracked and chipped teeth. It’s best to only use your teeth for chewing, speaking, and of course smiling.
Watch Out for Nail Biting
The holidays can be stressful time of year for many people, which can cause bad habits like nail biting. This unsightly nervous tick is not only embarrassing, but it can potentially crack and chip your teeth. Instead, try exercise, meditation, or other stress relievers to avoid this habit.
Keep these tips in mind, especially while traveling because most dentists will be closed over the holidays. While you can never completely prevent a dental emergency, you can take these steps to minimize your risk for this time of joy and cheer.
About the Practice
At Advanced Dental Care, we have a team of 3 dentists with a passion for keeping their patients healthy in and out of the office. They are experienced in dental emergencies and relieving pain. For any questions, our team can be contacted through their website or by phone at (714) 424-9099.