You wake up with a runny nose, sore throat. Blah! What now? You probably assume you are coming down with a seasonal bug and start loading vitamins, fluids, and other over-the-counter medicines. But what do you do when end up in a dental emergency, like a cracked tooth? What now? Most of us aren’t that familiar with the recommendations. That’s why we want to make sure you are prepared with these tips!
What is a Dental Emergency?
A dental emergency isn’t a temporary veneer that has come off or a weird taste in your mouth. It’s any situation that requires urgent care to save a broken or knocked-out tooth, stop bleeding, or relieve unbearable tooth/mouth pain. Don’t worry if you still aren’t sure! We’re available 24/7 by phone, text, email, and live chat to answer your questions.
Tips for Treating Common Dental Emergencies
Fortunately, we are experienced and knowledgeable in dental emergencies here in Costa Mesa. If you or someone you know thinks you might be having a dental emergency just give us a call and we’ll help you determine if you’ll need to see one of our dentists.
Knocked-out tooth
Depending on if the tooth is an adult or baby tooth, there are different recommendations.
If it’s a permanent adult tooth, you’ll want to try to put the tooth back in the socket. Try not to touch the root (the part you normally don’t see) in order to keep it intact and clean. If you can’t put the tooth back in the socket, then you can try to place it between your check and gums, in a cup of milk, or in ADA-approved tooth-preservation solution. KEEP THE TOOTH WET!
If it’s a baby tooth, call us at (714) 424-9099 as soon as possible. Unlike an adult tooth, you will NOT want to try to put the tooth back in the mouth. Most importantly, remain calm and reassure your child that everything will be okay!
Cracked tooth
A cracked tooth can crack superficially or can crack deep! Ouch! If the tooth is still in your mouth, try rinsing with warm water (cold water can cause more pain if the root is exposed). If you are experiencing any swelling, please a cold ice pack on the outside of your face in that area. If you’ve lost the tooth, see the advice above.
You can call or text us at (714) 424-9099 to schedule your emergency visit.
A toothache can be caused by a number of things, but nonetheless is never enjoyable. Some times tooth pain comes and goes, but sometimes it just gets down right unbearable. Try rinsing with some warm salt water to cleanse the mouth and gently floss to remove any food.
If you’re experiencing sensitivity when chewing or drinking hot or cold liquids, then avoid chewing or drinking in that area. You can also apply a cold ice pack to the outside of the face.
Bitten Tongue or Lip
Oh no! You’re bleeding or swelling. Make sure you use a clean tissue or cloth and apply pressure to any cuts or wounds on the outside of the mouth. For a bleeding tongue or gums, try rinsing with warm salt water. If you experiencing excessive bleeding that isn’t stopping or have punctured the lips, cheeks, other skin around the mouth, please seek emergency medical care.
Tips for Preventing Emergencies
The best way to treat a dental emergency is to prevent one all together! Follow these tips to keep you and your family safe: He
- NEVER use your teeth as tools!
- Wear a mouthguard when playing sports like soccer, football, boxing, and hockey
- Wear a helmet for indoor and outdoor sports where objects could harm your mouth or where the chance of falling is increased (baseball, football, skateboarding, biking, etc.)
- Although tempting – avoid chewing on ice and hard candies
- Watch children with household items and small toys that can be put in the mouth
Need More Information?
Call or text us anytime at (714) 424-9099 or send us an email at info@mycostamesadentist.com. The staff at Advanced Dental Care is here for you and to answer any questions you have about dental emergencies. When in doubt, just call!